Supercharge Your Health Before 8AM

Girl Stretching In The Morning

As a holistic nutritionist, I advocate honoring the ever-changing needs of our bodies, where every season, month, or day may look a little different. But as humans, we thrive with structure, and routines give us that. Starting your morning with your own intentional sequence creates discipline, establishes boundaries and sets you up for success. There's a reason why so many uber-successful people like Tony Robbins and Oprah champion morning routines... because they work!

Personally, the days that I start my morning rushed, I carry that stress and reactivity with me throughout the rest of the day (hello, elevated cortisol and drained energy). Now that I'm a parent, long gone are the days of blissful mornings full of uninterrupted me-time, but I still make a point to carve out time each morning to calibrate my headspace and heart-space before my little wakes up. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it.

Through my personal health journey, I’ve spent years shedding habits that didn’t serve me and creating ones that do. Over time, I’ve adopted morning rituals that have become my soul food and something I look forward to indulging in each day. But please know that you don’t have to do all of them (I certainly don’t!). Pick just one or two to practice consistently and notice the difference it makes.

Hydration. Every night when you’re asleep, your body is flushing out toxins. So after 7-8 hours without fluids, our bodies need to rehydrate. I typically opt for a big glass of lemon water, or some herbal or matcha tea. I invested in a good water filter so I can remove the nasties lurking in my tap water and avoid single-use plastics. Drinking clean water allows me to feel clear and keep my hormones in check… mega bonus!

Nourishment. Quality nourishment makes us feel good, physically, yes, but even on a biochemical level. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I always try to have a combo of protein, fats and carbs. My favorite breakfasts are egg muffins (where I simply throw whatever veg I find in the fridge into muffin tins, fill with whisked eggs, and bake in bulk for the week ahead), smoothie bowls with ancient grains and berries, and chia pudding that I top with fruit and nuts. If I'm in a mad dash out the door, I'll whip up a green smoothie with whatever greens I have on hand (usually spinach or kale), frozen organic berries, and a scoop of plant protein to fuel my body and brain for the day ahead. Along with my breakfast, I take my supplements. While I’m a proponent of getting the majority of my vitamins and nutrients from whole foods, I know that I feel better and my labs and biomarkers improve when I optimize my nutrient uptake.

Movement. I move my body in a loving way, every single day. It’s proven that movement releases feel-good endorphins and I am all about doing more of what makes me feel good. But I don’t have one set time or activity; switching things up works wonders to keep me interested and inspired. It might look like heading to the gym, taking a yoga class, going for a run/walk in the neighborhood or doing some stretches and exercises at home. This movement —be it 60 minutes or 10 minutes— gets the blood pumping, increases endorphins, releases stress, and clears my mind.

Meditation. I used to suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks regularly before I found holistic tools to support me, and meditation has been a big one. I love the Headspace app because guided meditation keeps me from getting distracted by my thoughts. If you want to incorporate meditation into your morning, find what feels good to you and stick with what works.

Cleanse. Tongue scraping is an ancient Ayurvedic detoxification technique that I like to do first thing in the morning. It keeps me healthy and I get sick less often. (Isn’t it amazing how the tiniest of practices can pay off big-time in other life areas?!) I will also oil pull - though I don’t do it every day. Here’s my trick to do it more often: I mix coconut oil and peppermint essential oil, pour them in molds, and refrigerate. I pop them out of their molds and into a mason jar and keep it in the fridge. Then when I need one, it’s already pre-mixed and I just pop it in! Then I jump in shower and do my morning skincare regimen. Out of the shower, I might do some body bushing or slather coconut oil onto my skin.

Nature. Mama Earth is an incredible healer, so I make sure I connect with her at some point every day. I’ve found when I’m able to get outside - even if just for a brief moment - I become more creative, grounded, and calm. Sometimes that’s a walk in the woods, sitting with my feet in the grass, or eating breakfast on my porch with the sun on my skin.

Gratitude + Intention. Developing an abundant mindset has taken me years of practice and consistency. One thing that has helped rewire my brain is write a list of three things I’m grateful for. Studies show this elevates our levels of dopamine (our happy hormone). When I do this, I also jot down my top three priorities for the day. Taking the time to physically write these out keeps me grounded and inspired.

If you’ve never had a morning routine, or your current one needs some love, here are five steps to mastering a new morning routine...

  1. Plan to wake up 30 minutes earlier. That means, going to bed 30 minutes earlier!

  2. Start small. The first time you start your morning routine it might be best to start by adding in one new thing at a time.

  3. Just. Do. It. Try it for 7 days straight — I can’t wait to hear what changes for you!

  4. Change with the seasons. My morning routine stays pretty consistent year round, but I’m always checking in with myself about how I can switch it up if I’m feeling stagnant or if something just isn’t serving me anymore. It's all about being aware and adaptable.

  5. Embrace your me-time! Be “selfish”, this time all about you, for you. Your morning routine is not meant to be a chore - it’s a luxury you get to indulge in, just for YOU! Fill yourself up so you show up to the world as the best version of you.

The bottom line: what you do each morning is an indicator of how you approach your entire day. When you build solid habits that support you in consistently showing up as your best self each day, you can design the life you truly want.