A Holistic Guide To Radiant Skin


Radiant skin isn't simply a matter of your mama's genes. Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it sends you messages about your internal health everyday. Since new skin cells are built from the foods we eat, foods that are raw, bright in color, packed with hydration, and full of vitamins and minerals, will naturally give you a radiant glow.

Here are 10 ways to illuminate your natural glow:

Eat foods rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C really is the ultimate vitamin for that fountain-of-youth glow we crave. It’s the nutrient we need to help brighten and smooth away wrinkles by stimulating the production of collagen. Yes, please! A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who ate a diet rich in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less skin dryness. So the next time you’re in the produce aisle, stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C like red bell pepper, kiwi, tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, papaya, broccoli, and kale.

Drink more water. Skin is our largest organ, playing a vital role in removing toxins from the body, and is made up of 64% water. Drinking the recommended 8-10 glasses of H20 a day will increase blood flow to your skin, making it look more luminous. Eating water-rich foods helps, too—reach for cucumbers, greens, melons, and berries. These plants deliver much-needed hydration for healthy digestion and provide moisture to the entire body including the skin.

Befriend healthy fats: Think fresh avocado, walnuts, flaxseed, extra virgin olive oil. These healthy fats are high in omega fatty acids which work to moisturize the skin from the inside out, and help to reduce inflammation, the culprit of skin redness and acne.

Reach for orange foods. Yes, ‘orange’ foodssweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, orange bell pepper, etc. These orange foods are given their natural hue thanks to their richness of the antioxidant beta-carotene. Beta-carotene helps to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier by adding moisture, plumping skin cells, and acting as a natural sunblock.

Load up on leafy greens. Scientific research shows that daily intake of greens can encourage the growth of good bacteria, heal inflammation, improve motility, crowd out parasites, eliminate yeast, get rid of belly fat, dissolve gallstones, balance your pH, quiet down your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), prevent diverticulosis, cut your risk of colon cancer in half, boost your energy, lose weight, banish your bloat, and really glow from the inside out. Try incorporating kale in soups, arugula in salads, spinach in smoothies — you name it!

Take foundational supplementsVitamins, minerals, and antioxidants enhance skin health by counteracting damage caused by free-radicals and keeping hormones in check. If you’re suffering from chronic skin issues, or just sick of dealing with a dull and unhealthy complexion, the cause may be a micronutrient deficiency. Learn which micronutrients you might be lacking and give your body a boost of them everyday to regenerate healthier cells and brighten your complexion.

Cut back on processed sugar. Processed sugar causes an imbalance in your hormones, which can lead to hormonal acne, cystic acne, and whiteheads. It also weakens the immune system making it harder for your body to fight off bacteria that leads to acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. And if that’s not enough, processed sugar damages collagen, the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is springy and resilient, however when high amounts of sugar are consumed collagen becomes dry and brittle. This leads to wrinkles, sagging, and dullness of the skin. The good news is that these effects can be reversed. Eliminating sugar-sweetened foods and beverages from your diet will result in brighter and tighter skin.

Eliminate food irritants. Food intolerances and sensitivities can cause inflammation on a cellular level, which means they could be the culprit for break outs, dryness, puffiness, or even dark circles. Commonly irritating foods are dairy, gluten, caffeine, and alcohol, but given we’re all biochemically unique you may need to do some detective work to decipher what your body is telling you. If you’re not sure where to start, our seven day whole-food cleanse eliminates inflammatory triggers so can pinpoint the root cause of your symptoms (or breakouts).

Get your beauty rest. When your body is deeply rested, it automatically shows on your face. Your body boosts blood flow to the skin while you snooze, which means you wake to a healthy glow. Studies suggest getting only 5 hours a night can lead to twice as many fine lines as sleeping 7 would. A minimum of eight hours of sound shuteye is ideal for healthy skin regeneration.

Go au-naturale. Your skin is your largest organ and 'digests' everything that is put on it. It has been said we absorb roughly 60% of what contacts our skin in just 26 seconds, and many products are loaded with toxic ingredients. Over time, this chemical and toxic overload can cause serious and long-term implications. For this reason alone, I try my best to reach for products free from toxic ingredients that are natural, safe, and made from only pure botanicals.

Incorporating more of these nutrients and rituals into your daily routine will naturally improve your skin from the inside-out, giving you a healthy, radiant glow.